Organic lavandin super essential oil10 ml

Organic lavandin super essential oil 10 ml



Organic lavandin super essential oil is quite similar to its parent, lavender officinalis.

It is:

Antibacterial, antiviral Powerful antispasmodic Anti-inflammatory Regulates the nervous system Promotes sleep Muscle relaxant Cardiotonic


Organic lavandin super essential oil is a good cardiovascular tonic. It works against hypertension and palpitations. Lavandin promotes sleep, reduces nervousness, and anxiety.

It is also indicated for colds, circulation problems, wounds, and injuries, as well as all skin care.

It is very interesting for athletes as it effectively reduces muscle tension, cramps, and contractions.

Usage Guidelines

Consult a doctor before any therapeutic use or oral treatment.


3 drops of organic lavandin super essential oil, 3 times a day with a little honey, syrup, or on a lozenge, for nervous tension.

On the skin:

5 drops of organic lavandin super essential oil + 5 ml of organic sweet almond oil, for cramps.

In diffusion:

In atmospheric diffusion, organic lavandin super essential oil will pleasantly scent your rooms, creating a relaxing, anti-stress ambiance, and promoting sleep. For cramps: Wintergreen. Energetic value and synergy

In energetic aromatherapy, organic lavandin super essential oil is associated with the crown chakra "Sahasrara," the 7th chakra. Its color is violet, and its element is light.

Organic lavandin super essential oil is a nervous tonic, but it tempers "pitta" individuals (dosha in Ayurvedic medicine).

Synergy: Mandarin, petitgrain.

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